Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us . . . Hebrews 12:1

"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us . . . " Hebrews 12:1

Almost 18 years ago, life changed in an instant when Steven Sauder sustained a head injury after a car collision. Although there have been many difficulties, God's grace has been clearly evident. The past few years, Steven continued to decline, yet God gave him the strength to "never give up". On May 9, 2011, he reached the end of his journey.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Steven slept 21 hours, divided up by 1 hour awake around midnight. After he awakened around noon today, Amy and I sang softly to him, showed him pictures of bygone years, read him the blog comments, and brought in friends and grandchildren for very short visits. He wasn't really responding, except for possibly blinking a couple times to indicate preferences when he first woke up. The lack of communication makes it extremely difficult to know his needs - is he hot, cold, thirsty, wanting to be turned, in pain, wanting us to shut up???? Too much light, not enough light, can he see, is he awake, is he in a coma????? This has to be a difficult, confusing, dark time for him - traveling those last few steps until he steps over the threshhold into eternity.

It is so comforting to remember that in the darkness of his coma almost 18 years ago, God was there, repeating over and over and over, "Steven, I love you. Steven, I love you." (See "Our Journey" on this blog) What is Steven seeing and hearing today???

"Eye has not seen nor ear heard what the Father has prepared for those who love Him."

1 comment:

  1. You two are not alone. Your father knows exactly what you need. His arms are around you both as you walk through these days. When Steve leaves from here, he will run right into our Lord's presence. What a wonderful moment for Steve. What a resounding "Well done !", he will hear.
    I am glad he is able to sleep. I hope you have got some sleep too, Vicki.
    Your family is ever in my thoughts.

    Tell Steve I love him and I will see him on the other side. Tell him to tell Kent hello for me and that we miss him.

    Love, Genny
