Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us . . . Hebrews 12:1

"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us . . . " Hebrews 12:1

Almost 18 years ago, life changed in an instant when Steven Sauder sustained a head injury after a car collision. Although there have been many difficulties, God's grace has been clearly evident. The past few years, Steven continued to decline, yet God gave him the strength to "never give up". On May 9, 2011, he reached the end of his journey.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Applying "God" to my minutes

Reading in Romans 12:12-21 today, the Lord pointed out to me the interrelation between two commands: "be constant in prayer" (vs 12b), and "Never overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceits" (vs 16b).

Probably the majority of the time, I'm slamming through life, multi or triple tasking, with my mind flitting from one supposedly "important" (?) thing to the next. Unhappily, I'm usually not preceeding tasks, words, decisions, or thoughts about how to handle a situation....with prayer. It's not that I don't want to pray or don't realize the awesomeness and power of prayer; my mind is just going full speed ahead, and I don't THINK to pray.

However, TRUTH ONE .......
My lack of constant, continual prayer is actually like I'm saying, "I'm COOL, Lord. I've got this covered. I don't really need your interaction at the moment. I'll get back to you in a bit, Lord."

And, TRUTH TWO .......
I am "overestimating myself."
I am "wise in my own conceits."

If I truly even begin to understand the awesome power, love, wisdom, and knowledge of God, why would I want to apply my human frailty - instead of God's wisdom and power - to my minutes, hours, days??

All the rest of the commands in chapter 12 (actually, ALL of the commands - PERIOD - that He gives us in His Word) are attained best by applying "God" to every minute.

Lord, train me to become God-dependent, each minute.